Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Big Day Tomorrow

Tomorrow we're heading to the hospital for Jack's heart catheterization. My mom is here to watch Elijah which Josh, my dad, and I go to Texas Children's with Jack. We are scheduled to arrive there at 7:00. They are predicting that the procedure will last 4-5 hours. So far Jack has had no signs of illness or fever; we're assuming that he will still be doing fine in the morning.

Please be praying for us tomorrow. Here are some specific ways that you can pray:
1. That Jack would be calm, patient, relaxed, and unafraid
2. That we would trust completely in God's good plan for Jack
3. That Jack's heart anatomy and any potential problems would be clear and evident to the doctor
4. That the nurses would be pleasant, fun, caring, and encouraging
5. That any vessels that need to be occluded will be obvious to see and easily fixed
6. That Jack will be kept safe while under general anesthesia, which is more risky for him than most
7. That all the doctors involved would have wisdom in how best to proceed for his next surgery

Thank you all so much. I'll post on here (and Facebook) when we get back home to let everyone know how he's doing. We love you guys!

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Thanks for the specific requests, we are and will continue to pray for Jack. Our small group is praying as well. I was listening to a Seeds: Family Worship song about Zephaniah 3:17 and thought of you and Jack...particularly the "he will rejoice over you with singing"...We'll be looking for updates as the day goes on...<3