Saturday, January 9, 2010

The Talkingest Boy

Elijah talks about twelve times as much as Jack did at this age. Actually i just made that number up. But it's definitely a lot more. And I'm still not used to it.

Today I handed him a banana. He said:
"Here go, Lijah. Wow. Dat's cool."

What book do you want to read?:
"Thomas' Christmas Delivery... peep peep"

Every time we turn on the fireplace:
"Look at dat fire."

If I mention the PBS show:
"Conductor? All aboard.. Dinosaur Train - Woo Woo"

Anytime I leave the room:
"Mommy not here... be right back!" (this is accompanied by crying)

Greeting me about 100 times a day:
"Hi sweet haht (heart)" or "Hi sweet boy"

The most frequent refrain:
"Watch Thomas?"

He's definitely entertaining us these days. What a sweetie!

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