Thursday, September 3, 2009

Heading Home

Jack is on his way out of the hospital! I had an OB appointment this morning, so I hadn't even made it up there yet when I got the call from Josh that he has been discharged. The chest x-ray looked good, but we will be going back from weekly checkups for a while. They just want to make sure that his fluid levels are being controlled effectively. So now my mom and I are waiting impatiently to see him. We have a sign on the door, streamers and balloons all around, and even a cookie cake that says "Welcome Home Jack!" I'm sure that he will be so glad to be home, just to be back in his normal life with all his toys and snacks and bed.

Thank you so much for all the thoughts and prayers. We will still be posting updates, but probably not quite as frequently -- there just won't be as much going on. But I will try to let you know how his days are going and how he's adjusting to life after surgery. We love you guys.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

Yay! Now with this big "event" behind you (mostly) you can start focusing on the next big event...Avery's arrival! Glad to hear that you guys are home!