Thursday, May 8, 2008

Mother's Day Adventure

We're heading to Greenville to surprise my mom and grandma tomorrow. I'm sure she'll completely flip out, which will be amusing. My dad, of course, is in on it. Hopefully he can restrain himself from telling her -- he's pretty awful at keeping secrets. It will definitely be fun to introduce my grandparents to their newest great-grandson. He's such a sweetie these days too... today he was just full of smiles for his mommy.
Jack only has three more days of school and then it will truly be testing time for me - both boys all day long everyday. It will be especially challenging when Josh heads to Florida at the end of the month to accept his award and see the launch. 5 days with no relief from children. Whew. I'm not sure that I'm ready for that. It makes me realize that I need to call Kelly and take her kids for a few hours while Jason is in Boston. Sometimes you just need a break to take a deep breath and arrange your thoughts.

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